Understand Your Abortion Options
If you’re facing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy, you are not alone. At Options, we are here to provide you with a peace of mind and confidence for your future.
Ultimately, the choice is yours regarding an abortion decision. The evidence-based information we provide is valuable and can really help you make a pregnancy decision with confidence.
We have put together a detailed list below regarding the different types of legal abortion options potentially available to you and important information on what to expect from each abortion procedure. We hope this can help answer some of the questions you may have as you consider your pregnancy options.
We are not an abortion provider or abortion referral agency, so we do not benefit financially from your decision.
The Abortion Pill or Medical Abortion
Medical abortion (commonly referred to as the abortion pill) is available within 10 weeks of the first day of your last menstrual period. A medical abortion is a two-visit process using two different drugs.
Surgical Abortion
A surgical abortion ends a pregnancy by surgically removing the contents of the uterus. The methods include Suction / Vacuum Aspiration between weeks 6-16 and Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) between weeks 16-24.
What kind of abortion should I get?
Good question! An ultrasound is the only way to confirm a viable pregnancy, fetal location, and gestational age (how far along you are). This information determines which abortion procedure you would qualify for. We can also explain each abortions risks and possible side effects, so you have all the information you need to make a decision with confidence.
By scheduling an appointment with Options, we can provide you with a referral to obtain a FREE pregnancy ultrasound. All our services are FREE and confidential! See our contact information below to schedule an appointment.
After you have scheduled an appointment for a FREE ultrasound referral to confirm a viable pregnancy and how far along you are, you may be thinking, “Now what?” Keep reading to find out what kind of abortions you can get and what you can expect from each abortion procedure:
Get Help and Support
Contact us – 626-671-0581, office@optionslapuente.org, or request an online appointment.